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That night I was extremely horny and aroused by the day’s happenings. It also made me desire her more. I recalled the morning’s events and that was all it took for me to jerk off.Then, I had an idea to tape them fucking so that I would have something to fuel my fantasies. So the next day I tried to sneak into their room to place my camera but never got the opportunity. That evening, I was ready for the party and waiting for the others to come out. And wow! Aunt Sush came down looking absolutely awesome. She by no means looked like a mother of two. In fact, she was looking like one of those young girls who had just finished college.Her dress was showing a lot of skin. Her plunging neckline barely managed to hide her nipples as they poked through the material. The dress was tied at the neck and the rest of her upper back was bare. The dress then hugged her round ass and continued till her feet. There was a slit starting about two inches from where her legs started showing off her long,. So I'm standing there with this fucking ...ummmm.....holy grail of nasty, stinky, crusty panties in my hand as my cock grew harder than marble......when she walked into the tent. All of my military training instantly came into play as I stuffed her panties into my pocket. She walked over to where I was standing and I explained to her that I had put her clothes in the dryers. She was very thankful. She loaded her whites in the washer and added detergent. She started the machine as I stood sweating to the side. If she would have had a clue that her nasty pussy stenched panties were in my pocket, I would have been dead. Anyway, she sat down on the bench and I did so as well. We exchanged pleasantries and a few stories about home. Blah Blah Blah, our laundry was done and we went our separate ways in the middle of the night. I went back to my tent and pulled those panties out of my pocket and looked at them under my small lamp. Those fucking panties were the crustiest, sexiest, nastiest.
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